
COVID-19: UFES provides support for Brazilian students abroad and international students at UFES

Published at on March 31st 2020 at 4:59pm

UFES, through its International Office (SRI), has been supporting its students and professors who are studying abroad, and foreigners who are developing activities at UFES. The activities began in January 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak started in Europe.

In total, 34 undergraduate students and 20 graduate students from UFES are studying abroad (mainly in Europe) and 98 international citizens are studying at UFES. 

International Office actions during the Covid-19 prevention period

During these challenging times, the International Office (SRI) has been committed to keeping its mission of promoting and managing internationalization at Ufes.

Administrative services: staff members of the International Office are working remotely, to keep the administrative routines going, and providing services to the community by email and social media.

Ufes extends the deadline, until April 6th, for reorganization of in-person activities

Published at on March 26th, 2020 at 6:07 pm


The rector Paulo Vargas signed this Wednesday (26th) a document (ad referendum) of the University Council to approve the extension, until April 6th, of the suspension of in-person activities at Ufes, as a preventive measure against the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

Covid-19 Update - UFES

In order to prevent the spread of the virus in our facilities, UFES decided to cancel in-person classes of undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as events (graduation ceremonies, lectures, seminars, theater plays, movie sessions, etc.), between March 17th and 29th, 2020, with a possible extension of this period.

Frequently Asked Questions - on COVID-19 and its implications at UFES

Find below a collection of frequently asked questions about the functioning of activities during the prevention period:



  • Is UFES closed?

No. However, from March 17th to December 31st, in-person classes for undergraduate and graduate courses, public events, and face-to-face meetings are suspended. Each administrative unit established its own functioning in this period posting it on their website.

Emergency Operation Committee for Coronavirus creates website with information about the disease

Published at on March 16th 2020 at 18:07


The UFES Coronavirus Emergency Operation Committee (COE-UFES) made available on Monday, March 16th, a website that gathers the main information about the coronavirus, ways of prevention and guidance on how to deal with the disease

The webpage can be accessed at, and it will be updated whenever there is new information on the subject

Advice for members of the academic community about preventive measures against coronavirus


Published at on March 12th 2020 at 10:51 am


Since the beginning of this academic semester, the Central Administration of Ufes has been publicizing, through its institutional communication tools, information to the academic community about preventive measures against contamination by the new coronavirus (Covid-19).

Palestra sobre Mobilidade Internacional na Graduação

A Divisão de Mobilidade para o Exterior da SRI/Ufes convida para uma palestra sobre mobilidade internacional com o objetivo de dar informações e orientações sobre a realização de intercâmbio acadêmico para alunos de graduação da Ufes. O evento será no dia 11/03, às 11h30 no auditório do CT-I no campus de Goiabeiras. 

Inscrições pelo link:

Vagas limitadas à capacidade do auditório.

SRI divulga oportunidade para pesquisadores brasileiros

Por meio da parceria estabelecida entre o Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (Confap) e as UK Academies, pesquisadores doutores sediados em universidades ou instituições de pesquisas brasileiras podem submeter propostas para as Chamadas Públicas do Fundo Newton.

Divulgamos Edital para projetos de inovação transnacional entre o Brasil e a Suíça

Divulgamos edital para projetos de inovação transnacional entre o Brasil e a Suíça, que foi lançado no dia 10 de fevereiro de 2020.

Innosuisse (Agência Suíça para a Promoção da Inovação) e a EMBRAPII (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial) trabalham em conjunto para apoiar projetos internacionais de inovação implementados por parceiros do Brasil e da Suíça.

A chamada está aberta até o dia 20/04/2020.


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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910