

Students interested in accomplishing part of their undergraduate studies at Ufes, up to 2 academic semesters, can start on the first semester of 2025 (april-august). 

When can I apply?


Academic Semester

Application Dates











To who should I send my application documents?

The necessary documents should be sent by e-mail to incoming [at] ufes.br, with the following subject: Incoming UFES 2025/1.

How do I send my application documents?

The necessary documents must be submitted by the International Office of the home institution of the foreign student, in PDF format, as a single document, in Portuguese or English labeled with Nomination + first name + last name Name of Course at Ufes (e.g.: Nomination John Smith – Psicologia), in the following order:

  • Pages 1 and 2: Application Form (Ufes model);
  • Page 3: Study plan (Ufes model) – every class must belong to the same degree program;
  • Page 4: Copy of passport’s personal information page (page with picture);
  • Page 5: 1st recommendation letter, from a professor of your university;
  • Page 6: 2nd recommendation letter, also from a professor of your university;
  • Page 7: recommendation letter from the student’s home university;
  • Page 8: transcript of records.

Any questions? 

ATENTION: after receive the acceptance letter the foreign student should require the student visa: visto de estudante IV at the embassy in your country. Ufes only receive foreign students with that visa.

If you have any questions please contact our office by sending an e-mail to incoming [at] ufes.br .

The list of undergraduate programs offered by Ufes can be found at http://internacional.ufes.br/en/undergraduate-majors or https://graduacao.ufes.br/listacursos  

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910