
Ufes's administrative body is organized as follows: Rectorate, six Senior Offices, ten Centers of Teaching, three collegiate councils, one superintendence, three secretariats and eleven supporting offices.

Rectorate – The rectorate is the main executive body of the university and is responsible for planning, managing, coordinating and supervising all the activities of the institution, as well as establishing agreements and partnerships to implement projects related to university policy, to aid in the development and visibility of academic activities.

The Rectorate is responsible for the management of Ufes's administrative bodies, and this management implemented by the senior offices – which include Administration; Outreach Programs; Personnel Management; Student Assistance and Citizenship; Undergraduate Courses; Research and Post-Graduation; Planning and Citizenship – and the Superintendence of Culture and Communication, as well as Secretariats for Communication, Culture and International Office.

Senior Offices – The senior offices aid in the management of the university, offering administrative and academic support to the Rectorate, each of them with specific assignments. The senior offices of Ufes are the following:

  • Administration
  • Student Affairs and Citizenship
  • Outreach programs
  • Human Resources
  • Undergraduate Majors
  • Planning and Institutional Development
  • Research and Graduate Majors

Education Centers – Education Centers are academic/administrative units under which are organized majors and departments of the same field of knowledge. Each center has a director and vice-director – with a term of four years – as well as the Department Council, which consists of heads of departments. The Education Centers are responsible for the development of teaching, research and outreach programs connected to the undergraduate courses and for the coordination of graduate programs.

Ufes has the following units of teaching, research and outreach programs:

  • Center of Arts (CAr)
  • Center of Agricultural Sciences (CCA)
  • Center of Exact Sciences (CCE)
  • Center of Humanities and Natural Sciences (CCHN)
  • Center of Legal Sciences and Economics (CCJE)
  • Center of Health Sciences (CCS)
  • Center of Education (CE)
  • Center of Physical Education and Sports (CEFD)
  • Center of Technology (CT)
  • University Center of Northern Espírito Santo (CEUNES)

Departments – A department is the basis of the academic structure of the university. It consists of professors grouped together by field of knowledge, teaching, research and outreach. Students participate in the administration of the department through representatives, who comprise 1/5 (one fifth) of the total of members of the department. The head of department is elected by a vote that includes the student representatives. The department head’s term lasts two years. All departments are connected, by theme, to an Education Center.

Collegial Body – Each undergraduate major at Ufes is coordinated by a collegial body that consists of professors from each department and student representatives registered in each major. The person responsible for the collegial body is the coordinator, who, among other activities, is in charge of scheduling the courses to be offered in each semester, in each major, as well as advising students on issues related to their academic careers.


Supreme Councils

University Council (Consuni) – The Consuni is the supreme deliberative and consulting body at Ufes on issues related to the university, administrative, financial and planning policies. It consists of the Rector (its President), the Vice-Rector, the directors of Education Centers, the senior officers of Administration and Planning and Institutional Development, the director of the University Hospital “Cassiano Antonio Moraes”, and representatives among professors, administrative staff and students of the university. The members of the council gather in ordinary sessions, on scheduled dates, once a month. There is a surrogate for each member of the council.

Council for Teaching, Research and Outreach (Cepe) – Cepe is the main body for issues related to teaching supervision, research and outreach, with deliberative and consulting tasks. It comprises 33 members and their surrogates. The members of Cepe gather, in ordinary sessions, twice a month. The president of Cepe is the Rector. It also comprises the vice-rector; two representatives of professors of each Education Center; the senior officers of undergraduate programs, outreach programs, research and graduate programs; two representatives of administrative staff; and six student representatives.

Council of Curators (CUr) – The CUr is the deliberative and consulting body on issues related to economic and financial supervision. It supervises the implementation of the university budget, through documents sent by the Department of Accounting and Finance (DCF) and by the decentralized units (Education Centers). It is responsible for approving the university’s monthly financial balance sheets and the annual statement of accounts, to be presented to the Rector and sent to the Federal Secretariat of Control, of the Federal Inspector General Office (CGU). The council consists of one president, one vice-president and representatives of professors from Ufes, chosen by Consuni and Cepe – one representative of the Ministry of Education (MEC), one representative of the society, one representative from administrative staff and one student representative.

Superintendence of Culture and Communication (SUPECC) – SUPECC is a department bound to the Central Administration, responsible for connecting, proposing, coordinating, implementing and supervising the activities developed by the university in the fields of culture and communication. SUPECC is located on the first floor of the Central Administration Building (Rectorate), on the Goiabeiras campus, Vitória. The Superintendent of Communication and Culture is Prof. Edgard Rebouças, from the Department of Social Communication, at the Center of Arts of Ufes. The secretariats of Culture and Communication are bound to SUPECC.

Secretariats – Secretariats are administrative units bound to the Central Administration; they execute specific tasks in relevant fields for academic life. Ufes has the following secretariats:

  • Institutional Assessment
  • Communication
  • Culture
  • Distance Learning (e-learning)
  • International Affairs (International Office)

Additional Bodies – The activities of the University are supplemented by the following additional bodies:

  • Central Library
  • Institute of Dentistry (IOUFES)
  • Technological Institute (Itufes)
  • Nucleus of Technology of Information (NTI)
  • University Hall
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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910