
News at UFES’ website have been categorized according to UN’s SDGs

Published September 17th, 2020 at 5:48 pm

News published at the Ufes Website have been categorized, since August 2020, according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. This initiative is part of the project for institutional development 2030 Agenda at Ufes, with the objective of publicizing to society the sustainability activities developed at the institution.

University Council extends the suspension of in-person activities until December 31st

Published on August 27th 2020 at 7:44 pm

The University Council of Ufes approved (by unanimous consent), in a session held last Thursday (27th), the Resolution n. 28/2020, which extends the deadline for suspension of in-person activities at Ufes until December 31st, 2020.

UFES approves remote learning. Enrolment for the special semester occurs between August 31st and September 2nd

Published August 18th, 2020 at 9:37pm (

The UFES Council of Teaching, Research and Outreach (CEPE, in Portuguese) completed this Tuesday (18th) the approval of Resolution n. 30/2020 to regulate the implementation of the Remote and Temporary Emergency Teaching-Learning System (EARTE, in Portuguese) and the choice of courses for the special semester 2020 in undergraduate courses.

The suspension of in-person activities at Ufes is extended until July 31st

Published June 29th, 2020 at 5:56pm

Rector Paulo Vargas, in a decision (ad referendum) during a session of the University Council, extended the suspension of in-person activities at Ufes until July 31st, as a preventive measure against the new coronavirus.

Suspension of in-person activities extended to June 30th. Ufes declares mourning for the victims of Covid-19

Published May 28th 2020 at 7:26 p.m.

The University Council, in an ordinary session held this Thursday afternoon (28th) decided to extend the deadline for suspension of in-person activities at Ufes until June 30th, as a way to prevent the contagion by the new coronavirus.

Video about the university's actions during the pandemic

Get to know some of our university's actions during the pandemic in this video.

Ufes extends the suspension of in-person activities until May 30th

Published at on April 30th 2020 – 7:40pm

Rector Paulo Vargas signed this Thursday (30th) an ad referendum decision to extend, until May 30th 2020, the deadline for reorganization of administrative and academic activities, with the suspension of in-person teaching activities at Ufes.

This decision is a way to prevent the dissemination of the new coronavirus, considering the current scenario of the pandemic.

UFES is among the Brazilian leaders in the Impact Ranking for the SDGs

Published at on April 22nd 2020 at 12:40pm

UFES ranked third among Brazilian universities in the Impact Ranking for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). The ranking is provided by the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking, which is responsible for some of the main rankings of higher education institutions in the world. Worldwide, UFES was among the 200 best universities. THE ranks individually up to the 100th university and, after that, in groups of 100 countries or more.

University Council extends the period of suspension of in-person activities until April 30th

Published at on April 6th 2020

The University Council of UFES, in a session that took place this Monday (6th), decided to keep its proposal for reorganization of administrative and academic activities, by extending the period of suspension of in-person teaching activities at UFES until April 30th, as a preventive measure against the new coronavirus.

COVID-19: UFES provides support for Brazilian students abroad and international students at UFES

Published at on March 31st 2020 at 4:59pm

UFES, through its International Office (SRI), has been supporting its students and professors who are studying abroad, and foreigners who are developing activities at UFES. The activities began in January 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak started in Europe.

In total, 34 undergraduate students and 20 graduate students from UFES are studying abroad (mainly in Europe) and 98 international citizens are studying at UFES. 


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