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Emergency Operation Committee for Coronavirus creates website with information about the disease

Published at www.ufes.br on March 16th 2020 at 18:07


The UFES Coronavirus Emergency Operation Committee (COE-UFES) made available on Monday, March 16th, a website that gathers the main information about the coronavirus, ways of prevention and guidance on how to deal with the disease

The webpage can be accessed at http://coronavirus.ufes.br/, and it will be updated whenever there is new information on the subject

The Committee was instituted on March 13th and it is formed by specialists from different sectors with an interface on the subject in question. The group's objective is to guide the University's decisions, monitor the epidemiological evolution of Covid-19 and collaborate with official health agencies to prevent the spread of the virus.

The committee, which has the support of the direction of the University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes (Hucam-UFES), is coordinated by the representative of the University Promoting Health (UPS) nurse Leila Massaroni and will act for the initial period of 60 days.

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