Ufes extends the deadline, until April 6th, for reorganization of in-person activities

Published at www.ufes.br on March 26th, 2020 at 6:07 pm
The rector Paulo Vargas signed this Wednesday (26th) a document (ad referendum) of the University Council to approve the extension, until April 6th, of the suspension of in-person activities at Ufes, as a preventive measure against the new coronavirus (COVID-19).
The decision of the rector follows a recommendation of the Emergency Operative Committee of Ufes and considers the decisions of the State Government and Vitoria City Hall, which suspended educational activities in all schools, universities and colleges, of the public and private education network, until April 6th.
Resolution n. 04/2020 of the University Council, signed on March 18th, defined the deadline for reorganization of academic and administrative activities and events at Ufes until March 29th, but it included the possibility of extension of the period, depending on the status of the pandemic.
Therefore, the teaching activities in undergraduate and graduate courses, e-learning courses, events, in-person meetings, authorizations to travel and provision of funding to travel to members of staff (faculty and administrative) and students, in relation to trips abroad and to states with a high level of cases, including graduate activities or the ones related to the Institutional Program for Internationalization (PrInt) are still suspended.
Classes at the Childcare Center (Criarte) are also suspended.
In a meeting scheduled to April 2nd, 2020, the University Council will ratify the decision of the rector and discuss new measures.