Recesso de Carnaval na SRI
Considerando o Feriado de Carnaval (de 12 a 14/02/2024) e considerando a paralisação do Datacenter da Ufes, que ocorrerá do dia 14 ao dia 18/02, a Secretaria de Relações Internacionais comunica que suspenderá os atendimentos e que todas as demandas recebidas pelo WhatsApp institucional (+55 27 99760 9649) e e-mails institucionais serão respondidas a partir do dia 19/02 (segunda-feira), por ordem de recebimento.
Gratidão pela compreensão.
Considering the Carnival Holiday (from 12 to 14/02/2024) and taking into consideration the Ufes' Datacenter paralisation, which will occur from 14 to 18/02, the International Relations Office (SRI/UFES) informs that the services will be suspended. All requests received through messages sent to the institutional WhatsApp number (+55 27 99760 9649) and institutional email addresses will be answered from February 19 on, following the order of reception.
Thanks for your understanding.